ILoveHaters #Phantom Talk

General Phantom

Getting to a 40k clean range Well im level 150 and I wanna try to get to a 40k clean range so I can have about 50k buffed. But right now im at 23k clean and 35k buffed. My equips are 7att crap pot RH helm 15att RH overall 12att RH gloves 8att RH cape Clean RH shoes 4%luk Belt 3%luk pendant 3att red thief symbol face accessory 154att RH cane 9%luk earrings 6%luk tempest ring 6%luktempest shoulder Max level evo ring 2 and 3 dabr And a crappy card (luk+6 acc+4) I know upgrading my cane will help. But im waiting for 2x to level hayato for coins to get slates and scrolls. SP besides my cane what should I upgrade. I got about 2-2.5b I can spend. Thank you.