IWantWorkGlv #Chat Talk

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Anyone wanna help me?(clothes) So i'm supposed to dress up as a miner for a social studies project/presentation and our group agreed on suspenders and flannels.Now,i dont have any so i'm supposed to buy it.Can you tell me where(live in cali,just some overall shops) and what to buy? Like i don't want to buy some ugly ones,but i dont want some super expensive ones either.Girls,please help,and guys you could too. P.S i am just wearing it ONCE.and it's supposed to be late 1800s i think so not the miners of today.

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Scammed as a new cashier My friend works as a cashier and yesturday she was scammed by someone that gave her a 100. She took the 100 and later asked if she can break it down,and found out that she wasn't supposed to take anything higher than 50. She had to pay for it out of her own pocket to keep her job (I don't think the superviser knows yet,or will ever know) But is there any way to contact authorities? I have no idea if there's security cams,but she took it to a local 7-11 and they said the 100 was authentic (It isn't) so it looked pretty legit.

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Discount on shopping Okay well say there is a sale at a store.You get 20% off when you purchase $100 or more.Say you already bought $80 worth of items.Wouldn't it be smarter to just get another $20 worth of stuff and you will still get it for $80? Am i missing something here?Cause ur pretty much getting $20 for free...So why doesn't some people just add $20 worth of items in their cart?Please don't say "oh they don't need the items" Why not sell? "Because they don't need the money" Well money is money.Give to poor people. "They hate giving money to poor people" Who cares.You're doing the right thing...

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Pet peeves of ur parents? What habits do you dislike of ur parents? When my dad is at a conference,he ALWAYS shudders and he sometimes mixes chinese + english together(the peopel he's talking to doesnt understand chinese >.>) My mom tells us to come downstairs to eat,even though I am busy and when i come down,the food is freaking hot and i can't eat anything.When i try to go upstairs,my mom tells me to stay down till the food is cold,which is about 20 minutes.>.>

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