Iceformation #Nintendo Talk

General Nintendo

Venusaur for a Blastoise? I have Pokemon X and I'm rearranging my team. I originally got a Blastoise that I got to level 69. He has a Blastoisinite or whatever its called, and I want to trade with a Venusaur around that level, I'll even go down to 50s since Im training a new team with those levels. Venusaurinite is prefered. Please message me on skype, because I'm not very active on here. My skype name is Iceformation. Thanks! Note 1: This is a repeat from my other thread. Someone informed me there was a Pokemon section now, so I locked my misplaced one and made one here.

General Nintendo

Mk7 or MKWii? Which one is better I personally loved MKWii with a passion. I found myself waking up 2 hours earlier (7 in the morning) So I could have more room playing the game. I felt it was a pretty darn solid game. When MK7 came out it was a huge disappointment to me because it didn't feel that good of a game and sometimes the lag was iffy and hurt me a few times. Also there wasn't anything that could drift as well, and that was a huge mechanic to me. /endrant VOTE

General Nintendo

Pokemon scares me ‎*Warning, Huge wall of text,* *Sigh* Pokemon is such an innocent game. As you all re-call. My friend here Austin Schmier called me up while I was playing MW3. He told me to get on my computer so then he can send me a link of a video about Pokemon. I thought it was going to be useless, but I clicked it anyways. This video were about some myths about a town in the first generation pokemon called, Lavender Town. The people who actually do play this game know that the background music is eerie and frightening. Please keep in mind that I found this calming and it was one of my favorite BGMs, (Background game Music) of all time. I watched it and went away laughing to click on another video. Most of you do know, (I Hope) J

General Nintendo

Pokemon scares me ‎*Warning, Huge wall of text,* *Sigh* Pokemon is such an innocent game. As you all re-call. My friend here Austin Schmier called me up while I was playing MW3. He told me to get on my computer so then he can send me a link of a video about Pokemon. I thought it was going to be useless, but I clicked it anyways. This video were about some myths about a town in the first generation pokemon called, Lavender Town. The people who actually do play this game know that the background music is eerie and frightening. Please keep in mind that I found this calming and it was one of my favorite BGMs, (Background game Music) of all time. I watched it and went away laughing to click on another video. Most of you do know, (I Hope) J

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