

IchigoRush #Chat Talk

General Chat

How was your day ? Entertain me ! x) So. I burned my fingers in Chemistry. < u > I pulled out the gas tube and I fell back and my hand hit the hot stand. (We just got done melting Zinc on it). It burned 3 of the back of my right hand's fingers really deep. It had skin hanging off. x) And then my teachers made me wait a half an hour to go to the nurse's to get ice. Ithurtsobad, amg. It took about 4 hours for the pain to go away. Yay. TLDR;; I burned the back of my fingers really bad. Ow. Moral of the Story;; Fire is Hot, Don't touch it. -- SO. How was your day ? O3o I'msobored. Entertain me ? :D.