

Icycles #Firepoisonarchmage Talk

General Firepoisonarchmage

Whats your key config? I was just wondering, what are you guys' key configs? Post yours :D Fire Poisons have a lot of skills, and now with the addition of Fire Aura and Megiddo Flame, I'm running out of space :| [url=]http://i.imgur.com/b7Oe4N4.jpg?1[/url] You may find my one quite strange, very different from default keys. Left hand on ASDF, reaching to U for Poison Brace Right hand on arrow keys, which is close to end, pgdn etc. and shift ctrl for potions ` is Maple Warrior - is Ifrit + Oz's Summon = is Ele Reset and Magic Armour PgUp is Tele and Buff Mastery PgDn is Magic Guard + Medit + Spell Booster