

IfIMust #Chat Talk

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Relationship advice please help I've been with this girl for 7 years now. We've been engaged. I had my own place and she stayed with me almost all the time basically living there. Due to some circumstances I couldn't help and the fact she didn't help pay for anything ( I didn't ask for any help since she didn't actually live there even though she might as well have) I lost my apartment and had to move back with my parents which is embarrassing for me. We've had to try to make it work long distance. During this relationship she's lied repeatedly and been caught but never seems to stop. During the first year of it she was always flirting with other guys. After I've caugt Her sending nudes to guys and sexting them. We broke up because of every

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android tablet help I just got a Galaxy Tab 2 for school and I've run into a little problem. Please be kind as I've only used ios devices before so android is weird to me. Im trying to type on a text box in the browser at the bottom of the page but the keyboard covers up where im typing. On an ios device the text box is automatically moved above your keyboard so ypu can actually see what youre typing. Is there a way to do that on this device or make it so i can actually see when im typing?

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Feeling embarrassed, ashamed and confused I know I'll def get some negative comments on this cause even to me I feel very weird about this. I just recently went through a tough breakup with my girlfriend who used to be one of my closest friends as well before we started dating. I've always loved watching anime but I enjoyed them normally until now...now for some freaking reason I was watching a series and found myself feeling some sort of strong attachment to a character in it to the point of feeling sad when not watching it. This can't be normal and I've never had misplaced feelings for a freaking toon character! Honestly it's embarrassing. I can only guess this can have something to do with my recent break up...idk why though I'd get thes

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Trade in Ps Vita I was one of the few that had high hopes for the vita on release..a ps3 in my pocket i thought. Well i didn't think it through too much to be honest. I now find myself wanting good games for it but there aren't enough in sight any time soon. Idk maybe SOMEDAY there might be but im getting tired of waiting for them. In the mean time it sits on my shelf collecting dust never to be touched. Its a shame cause i love the hardware and itd be fun to use if it just had the games. On top of it all the games that are out are all just ports for the most part and sad ports at that. If i want the new assassins creed coming out...i'll buy it on my home console -_- just being honest about that with myself for the first time. I have an off

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pokedex book for black and white 2 When I got soulsilver there was a post game walkthrough book that had the national pokedex book with all the info including natures and the such which was very useful. I've been looking for a similar book for black and white 2. I've found just the regular walkthrough book that has only the 5th gen dex in it. None with the national dex though. I'm hoping someone here knows of where I could found on though. Yes I know there are alternatives such as serebii and the different pokedex apps for the 3ds and ios but I'm looking for a book like this specifically. Thank you if you can help.