

IfIMust #General Talk


Nl or Dark Knight bossing I have both characters which i enjoy very much. I know Dark Knights are good at training and everything but im told they aren't so good at bossing. I was wondering how NLs are at bossing now? I only remember how they used to be before big bang so im not really up to date on how they perform at bosses. I know im posting this in general instead of under dark knight or NL forums but thats just because i dont want to post under one section and get biased answers. Ty for any input i get. i also want to add that im not basing this off red update. Im talking about now.


thinking about completely restarting I've played maple for a long time now. I used to love it a lot but anymore not so much. I know you hear this kind of thing a lot but hear me out. It has nothing to do with big bang making it too easy or any of that crap. Idc about that. It has to do with the fact that after big bang i stopped doing quests and stopped talking to people in the game and just started grinding like crazy allllll the time. Obviously doing one thing so much so often burned me out on this. Now before i go on i must say that i've never been a fast leveler AT ALL. The highest level i've had was 100 but got it there by pure grind. No i don't and won't spend on nx for exp coupons. Never have and never will. Anyways i have too many c


Alternatives to level to 120 I just got my first character to 110 finally. I went to LHC but i can't find a party to train with. Im unfunded..i have like 5 mil left after buying my mastery book i'll need to max out my first skill in fourth job. My damage isn't amazing but its fun to play non the less. People are selling leach but for like 15 mil an hour which im sure might not be bad but i don't have it. Are aliens the best i can do till 120 or is there an alternative? I should note that my guild has gone dead pretty much lately. The leader and many others have decided to take a break from playing. Now pretty much no one is ever on when i play.

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