

IfIMust #Mage Talk

General Mage

In your opinion please I want to make a mage but im torn between making an I/L or BaM. Now i used to have an I/L way way back when i first started playing maple but the highest i got him was to 50 or so. Not because i didn't like it but because i sucked at leveling then lol. It was def my favorite class then. When BaM came out i played that often and loved it as well. The one thing i didn't like about it was the lack of actual new skills throughout your job. That problem was only annoying if i had played a lot everyday or something. I'd just stop playing for a while and take a break then i was good. BaM seemed to help me make money quickly and saved on pots it seemed. The reason it helped me make money was cause of chains specifically. Im l