

ImKafei #General Talk


Broa PvP discussion Feel free to discuss PvP strategies, challenge each other, organize boss runs, and the like. [i]Last updated @ 15:12, July 3rd, 2012[/i] With the close of PvP, I will cease updating the list. If you have links/videos to what the new PvP will be like, let me know and I'll post them here! [quote=ImKafei]List of notable players [b]decided upon by the Broan PvP community[/b]: [i]Last updated @ 01:27 BT, April 25, 2012[/i] [header]� Bowman[/header] [url=]Mercedes PvP guide[/url] Bow Master: HerosRanger Marksman: meIl0w, Styrmling Mercedes: Pelvises, Spektroo, Vorstag Wild Hunter: xBeastTamer [header]� Mage[/header]

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