InSovietRussia #Fashion Talk

General Fashion

Need IGN help with Future Aran. (Warning: lots of IGNs) I am making an Aran post-Chaos (No I am not bandwagoning, I had a 100 Aran Pre-BB, when DBs came out) I always wanted to make an Aran as soon as I returned to Maple (2 weeks ago?) but Maple wouldn't let me make one. Anyways, this will probably be my new main. What IGN should I use? I have some saved up. I don't really have any good ones (Thought of all of them within 5 minutes) No Flames if possible please >.> and critiques / ratings are very much appreciated. Alliviation (No capital I's) Cyntrinx VanityKill/VanityAura/VanityCombo/VanityFury SoloPianist Quadromatic DomoNations