

Cwkpq worth the time?

is it worth the time to look for a specific item in the cwkpq? :
it seems pretty hard getting hard and i'd imagine % drop rate for each individual item to be small considering how many possibilities there are

is it better to just buy it?

for me: its the khanjar seal cushion and crossheider

January 23, 2013

5 Comments • Newest first


I wish I knew people that CWK Pq'ed in Khaini

Reply January 23, 2013

MoNs are still there.
I think it's worth it. Well, just because I like the pq since it's almost the only thing that reminds me of preBB

Reply January 23, 2013

What about mons are they still there?

Reply January 23, 2013

I got an ewand 5 the last time I went. You never know what you're going to get. Plus if you can get the people to do one pretty easily, do it. I think cwkpq is fun.

Reply January 23, 2013

Can you still get Undine's Cloth from it?

Reply January 23, 2013