

IntDit #General Talk


Not gaining party Exp at HoH Im lvl 190 in a leech party at Hall of Honour, but I'm not getting any exp when monsters are being killed. Im curious cause this never happened before to me, and my party members are saying its cause its laggy/glitchy and I will level per usual when I get enough exp. When i kill myself i gain experience, but i Have been leeching for quite some time now and should have leveled. The avg lvl of the party is 200~ if that means anything. Im really confused.


MapleStory Class Beast Master I was inspired by a fellow basiler named Aileana and their unique character class Ethereal. So I thought man, forget studying for exams lets make my own class! Btw you can find Aileana's Unique Class here: Anyways my class isn't so unique to the concept of gaming as a whole, but I consider it new to maple (and if it isn't well I'm sure the posters would let me know). Also I would love to make this a community thing. I will set some base stuff down and then you guys let me know what to add on and we can add on to it as a community. I will give credit to those who give ideas! [header]Beast Master[/header] So the Beast Master class is a shape-shifting class and is able to morph into various animals to gain their a

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