
what to do with 70 tempest coins

So I've been seeing a lot of threads about these tempest shops, but I myself
have never actually checked what's in the shop because I didn't have time to
play lately.

I just want to know what kind of scrolls there are, and some of the popular items that people get.

I have around 70 tempest coins due to all the hot time events o_o.


December 30, 2012

12 Comments • Newest first


just stack on rings and sell later for around 100m each. 45 coins for a ring is cheap imo, and can easy be made by the gale ground quest (stay logged in quest).

Reply December 30, 2012

@cLearLybaD: He still needs to add the best potential available to make it perfect, is what i was implying.

Reply December 30, 2012

[quote=Economy]Or the fact that all tempest weapons come with potential anyway, and epic [/quote]

The use Sunday's Special Awakening Stamp

Reply December 30, 2012 - edited

ive farmed 1500 coins so far, you can do better than that...

Reply December 30, 2012 - edited

[quote=cLearLybaD]I guess you've never heard of potential scrolls..[/quote]

Or the fact that all tempest weapons come with potential anyway, and epic

Reply December 30, 2012 - edited

[quote=denasaint47]>get 980 more
>have 1050 coins
>buy 20 20% scrolls for 1h/2h for att and 30 clean slate scrolls(only 5 slate scrolls per char)
>scroll a perfect weapon without spending any mesos
Obviously, that little amount of scrolls will only get you 5 slots filled if your lucky, but its just an idea that I'm actually working on atm. Perfect Baselard ftw [/quote]

A weapon isn't perfect if it doesn't have potential.

Reply December 30, 2012 - edited

>get 980 more
>have 1050 coins
>buy 20 20% scrolls for 1h/2h for att and 30 clean slate scrolls(only 5 slate scrolls per char)
>scroll a perfect weapon without spending any mesos
Obviously, that little amount of scrolls will only get you 5 slots filled if your lucky, but its just an idea that I'm actually working on atm. Perfect Baselard ftw

Reply December 30, 2012 - edited

I'm assuming that you have an epic potential scroll from Hot Time. I bought a Tempest Ring and epic potted it, and it turned out well, so you can consider that.

Reply December 30, 2012 - edited

Get more.

Reply December 30, 2012 - edited

tempest rings and shoulders are hot.

Reply December 30, 2012 - edited

Uh, tempest equips? if you want them, of course...

Other than that, scrolls or MMB.

Reply December 30, 2012 - edited