

Jaacckk #Corsair Talk

General Corsair

Pirate/Gunslinger/Outlaw/Corsair help thread! Well, I think this section could use one. Post your questions here, and they will be answered by me, or by others. Popular questions will be added to the popular questions section, and we'll create a base of information! ^_^ Happy questioning! [header]Quick things about answering and finding your anwsers[/header] [b]To Answer a question:[/b] Please make sure you quote a person asking a question when you respond. This will allow those people to check when their question is responded to! [b]To find an answer to your question:[/b] Notice the "Quoted" tab on the bottom-lefthand side of your basil toolbar? If you click that tab, it brings up a menu that shows when your quoted. If the person