

Jace #Angelicbuster Talk

General Angelicbuster

Range Question Regarding Angelic Busters Hello, I'm kind of new to this Angelic Buster thing but I really do enjoy the class even though I main a Zero. I felt like I would be satisfied with my Angelic Buster if I could solo Hard Gollux so I was just curious as to how much range would be needed to at least solo Hard Gollux. I know that's kind of a broad question since boss damage doesn't really play a role in your range, but if a guesstimate can be given that would be much appreciated. Also I would like to know how much range would be needed to hit around 10-15mil per line with Celestial Roar on normal mobs. Thank you for your time reading and giving any answers to my questions in advance. Sincerely, Jace