Jagai123456 #Aran Talk

General Aran

Raise my damage in the end Well, at lvl 75, i do a pathetic 1.7XX-2.3XX my equips are 106 att karstan (potted with a fail 4 int) lvl 64 Chaos dana lvl 70 umber warrior top lvl 50 jangoon pants lvl 40 Camel boots lvl 60 My earings are POTTED with a pathetic +6 str my lvl 80 equips are better Red battle lord + 4 str +3 dex potted with +4 ALL stats basic green battle gloves oh, and 3 things i plan on getting the rest of my mounts, not willing to make another char to 36 current budget of 465k T.T How can i decrease pot usage, i use Unagi and Mana Elixers all help will be appreciated oh, and if delaran would post on this, he is my inspiration for an aran <3