Jagai123456 #Warrior Talk

General Warrior

post jump dex base increase i read on the warrior section of jump that they get a skill called physical training, which is a permanent buff of +30 of str and dex, which means this! pre jump str 999 dex 35 post jump str 999 dex 95 because, it gives both +30 which means, with minimum dex, is 65 (for max str), and with the str buff, you get an EXTRA 30, so its 95, there will be ALOT more of the lvl 130-140 wep users now, and someone like me, who wants a nrw (night raven's wing) which just with the base, its 95, which is the req, so auto nrw! and with that, you can also get the ST (stone tooth) much much easier, becuase, with only 120 dex, you just need 25 more dex, which is a BREEZE, both these swords are fast speed, so they can turn out a lit

General Warrior

Making a Warrior I am making a warrior after jump... yes... i can read your mind and i see two words there "UU BANDWAGGGGGGGONERZ", but i have played them since maple came out, so please dont say that, and yes i have the patience for a hero, and i am waiting for post jump because.... there will be a bunch of warriors, hopefully they dont just quit at like 4x or hell levels, so i can wait forever, but i can handle ks'ing, and i want to know, when is a good time for an unfunded hero to switch to 1h+shield, cuz in pvp it pwns 70+ because much MUCH faster all help will be appreciated R.I.P Tiger

General Warrior

Hi, i need help picking a branch I am gonna make a Swordsman in Nova when it comes out, not a UA, but i can't decide on DrK, or Hero, here are the things i am looking for... ============================================================================================ -at least DECENT DAMAGE -can solo grind at times (i am joining a Nova guild) -gets invited to pq (mainly ludi for broken glasses) -is fun to have (opinions) -gets to play with kittens :3 -loves cats :3 -can withstand the Nyan Cat for over an entire day -can be easy to start from scratch (0 mesos, no items, nothing) ======================================================================= thx in advance my fellow Warriors -edit: i have chosen Hero for these reasons ================

General Warrior

Anyone else going to create a Mikhail? I have been reading, and watching videos about the Mikhail class in KMS, and it made me wonder, are they going to do the same thing for all the Cygnus job instructors, if so, that would be interesting, sure the Mikhail class' skills aren't too original, for example, Shining Buster is just a light version of the Bucc's beam, and it might just be a better version of the Dawn Warrior, but it still is a great class to play, to people who don't like how the shield is unable to be put into the inventory, why even comment about it, and in my personal opinion, I think it's great that we will have another warrior that is restricted to a one handed weapon, but that means inflation, because a new class means a lo

General Warrior

Anyone else going to create a Mikhail? I have been reading, and watching videos about the Mikhail class in KMS, and it made me wonder, are they going to do the same thing for all the Cygnus job instructors, if so, that would be interesting, sure the Mikhail class' skills aren't too original, for example, Shining Buster is just a light version of the Bucc's beam, and it might just be a better version of the Dawn Warrior, but it still is a great class to play, to people who don't like how the shield is unable to be put into the inventory, why even comment about it, and in my personal opinion, I think it's great that we will have another warrior that is restricted to a one handed weapon, but that means inflation, because a new class means a lo