JamesInNinja #General Talk


What equips do I need, coming back to Maplestory. So I'm a bandit level 55, and I would like to know if my equips are decent enough or if I should upgrade some (I'm low ish dex, so my equips are made to increase my dex: Hat - Zhelm - I know is good. Dagger - Lei Bei dagger or something (looks like NX but isn't) scrolled for a total of 73 attack. Boots - I need an upgrade what boots should I buy? Cape - 2 dex 3 slots left (I'm gonna scroll for dex) Gloves - Mushroom kingdom gloves (3 W. Att, 4 Dex, 1 or 2 slots) Armour - Level 50 armour top and pants Rings - 2 zombie rings and 1 evolve Shield - Jurgen Wristgaurd unscrolled, so just + 1 dex Also my funds are at about 130M, so what should I buy? Thanks a million!