

JeIIal #Anime Talk

General Anime

Naruto Fights video, feedback required Hey wonderful people of BasilMarket! I was wondering if any of you who has free time can do me a quick favour for my friend. I just need you all to watch my friend's AMV and tell me what he needs to work on. He's really trying hard to learn how to edit, so it is the least I could do to obtain some feedback to help him improve his skills. Feel free to comment anything you liked, disliked, what he could do better, what he should remove and so on and so forth. I appreciate all the help that you guys are doing for me and him, I will forward all the comments to him. Thanks again, much appreciated. Here is the link: [url][/url]

General Anime

Naruto Fights video, feedback required Hello wonderful people of BasilMarket. My friend made a video about, in his opinion, the top 15 best Naruto fights. He has a mac or something and decided to test out the editing software to create the video. He wants feedback on how to make it better and if you agree or disagree with his ranking. The video is only 5 minutes long, so I appreciate anyone who watches it and gives feedback. Thanks again! [url][/url]