

JeIIal #Paladin Talk

General Paladin

Which should I max first? Well on my Paladin, I'm lvl 129 with 6 unused SP. Currently I have 10 ACB 10 BLAST 3 Divine Shield <--- Didn't max it since it was glitched, so I messed up by raising 3 sp on it x_X, oh well humans make mistakes. I can't max Blast since I don't have enough money to buy blast 20, since it's outrageous price. I am still hunting for it at Dark Klocks. So tell me forum? What should I max next? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Btw, I don't care if you think I'm a bandwagoner or whatever you young-lings call it today. Since if you care about what people make and QQ about it, you just waste more time :) Instead of moving on.