

JewofLight #Paladin Talk

General Paladin

Warrior Revamp, rise pallies? Not So we are getting closer to this revamp, so apparently it seems that nexon is trying to lower our dps, and higher our dpm, and other than the "dmg no longer halved on bosses" no offense to my fellow paladins, but other than CO we seem pretty useless in boss runs. Our defense is top-tier, our buffs...meh, debuffs...threaten?, let's face it, Nexon needs to create either 2 things, a boss that can be aggro'd, or a skill that makes our defense needed, dmg is focused only on us, or at least monster only attacks you. Until then (I love my paladin) we will always be low-dmg, pointless defense other than to sleep while bossing. Agree?