

Jigglypoof #Firepoisonarchmage Talk

General Firepoisonarchmage

Poison Breath vs. Fire Arrow Which one should I choose? Or should I max both and skip over MP Eater? I was thinking of going with the hybrid build, since I hear MP Eater is absolutely terrible now. Although, Pre-Ascension, I remember it being AMAZING on my Bishop. However, she's stripped now so I haven't really been able to check it out. However, if MP Eater is better than it sounds, and still has some use, I'd like to max it and choose only one attack skill. Almost all of the builds I've looked at say to max Poison Breath, but, they don't say why. I know it hits 6 enemies, but, it's much weaker than Fire Arrow, and Fire Arrow has a greater elemental advantage (more enemies weak to fire). And, Fire Arrow hits 3 enemies. Not as good as 6, bu

General Firepoisonarchmage

Questions About F/p Mages Hello! So, I'm creating my first Arch Mage, and I plan on maining it after playing a Bishop for about 2 years. Anyway, I was just wondering what my equips & my damage range should look like by early 4th job, at around level 130. Right now I'm at level 80, but I'm gonna list the equips I'm going to be using at 130. I funded myself with my Bishop's Equips, and right now I have the following to enter 4th job with: 18% INT in equips, not including my weapon. (6% Earring, 4% Shoe, 3% Cape, 3% Glove, 2% Belt) A 132 M.Atk Dimon Wand which I plan to use until level 130. (How much could I sell this for? o; ) For level 130, I have a 168 M.Atk, 3% INT Elemental Wand 5. I'm using the Marbas Helmet And I've got a 3 Magic At