

JokerXD7 #Chat Talk

General Chat

Some people on here Hi. This is my first thread that I've made in the chat section for a while. I just wanted to say that some people on here are just so mean. I don't know what the internet does to people, but sometimes they go all out. It doesn't hurt me at all, but I wonder if they really would say that in public, around people. I wonder if they would just scream "I HATE all [insert racial/sexual slur here]." Going through comments on YouTube, I'm just looking at all of these things that people think it's okay to say, when it's not. Maybe they're jealous or something. I don't know. Why are people like this? And yes, sometimes they do have a legitimate reason to say these things. But most of the time, they don't. Thanks for read

General Chat

Album Re Releases It really annoys me when an artist re-releases their album with like one or two more songs on it. There really is no point in doing so. It's like a giant slap in the face to the fans of that artist. If I buy an album for like 12 bucks, why would I buy a re-release of that album for 15? I'm basically buying most of the songs again for no reason. The only reason people would do this is for the money. They must not care about their fans at all. Take Katy Perry for example. She puts out an album in 2010, then she re-releases that EXACT SAME album in 2012 with 3 more songs on it, and a few remixes. Her fans do not deserve that. Her fans deserve a separate album, or at least an EP of those three songs. In two years, all she had

General Chat

Another Music Thread I was wondering about the music tastes of some basilers. So... could you tell us your favorite kind of music, and your least favorite kind of music, and why? Favorite: R&B because the lyrics are usually very soulful and just beautiful. The beats are really enjoyable, also. Least Favorite: Metal (the screamo kind) because I can't really understand what the people are saying when they're screaming. It just sounds angry to me when they scream. EDIT: Also, please no bashing of other people's music. You can say you don't like it, but you don't have to go overboard.

General Chat

Opinions on iPhone 5 Battery Life What are some of your opinions on the iPhone 5 battery life to those who have it? I think it's pretty decent, because I was at a new year's eve party on monday and I had like 3% left, and I was like oh sh-t how am I gonna get a ride home? I needed a ride because I had a few, but I still knew I couldn't drive, however that's neither here nor there. The 3% turned into 1% after 2 hours of non use, but I was able to call my friend to get home safely. What are your opinions?

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