

Jovial #Art Talk

General Art

I will draw your avi in MS paint. [header] [b]Status:[/b] Slight Inactivity! College work is piling up so I will not do these nightly anymore! [/header] Post a comment saying you want to be drawn and I might draw you really quick...whenever someone starts posting. In return, -I have total artistic liberty (the drawing might be terrible and/or insult you) -I can pick and choose who I feel like drawing, but Ill try to draw as many people as I can, as fast as I can. -I try not to discriminate! I -will- try to draw everyone. -[b]I WILL END THIS AT 321 DRAWINGS, Basilmarket might end it sooner if no one requests. :)[/b] --- ♥ People who want to do art trades/commishes get higher quality drawings, and can re-request with each drawing.

General Art

I will attempt to respond to you using MS Paint. [header]Current Status: Dead, thank you for letting this live. I wont be back muhah. [/header] Other thread got deleted, consulted a mod and was suggested to try again in a different section. GO! [b]WARNING[/b]: [url=]I will not give a damn for my quality of the drawing or my answer.[/url] [header]Main Contributors [and their titles!] [/header] [dead and gone] [the reappearing ghost] [the lawnmower] [master of obscurity]