

Jphero123 #Dualblade Talk

General Dualblade

Unfunded DBs range So, my DB is level 54 atm (my computer crashed, still trying to fix it,wasnt able to play these last days) and i will probably make it my main. Im not rich, but i will do my best to fund it. What would be my range with almost no funding, like, important skills maxed and stuff, but almost no good equips? My phantom has 24k range (buffed, lol), and my only good equips are my card, with +10 attack and +10 luk and my cane with +6% dmg and +6% luk. My total luk on phantom is 6%, im not trying to compare both, since Phantoms need A LOT more fuding than DBs, but you can imagine how would i fund my DB... WUT WOULD BE MY RANGE ON LVL 120ish?

General Dualblade

Dual Blader martery books question So, a friend gave me both mirror image 20 and shadow meld 20. Mirror image worked, and shadow meld failed :~( Im lvl 90, planning to hit lvl 100 today. I just got slash storm 20, and it worked, first try c: Ok, but, here is the question: Am I able to use shadow meld 20 AFTER fourth job advancement? A friend told me he used more than 20 slash storm books and all of them failed, then he found out that it was because he already job advanced (he was lvl 130 or something). I wanted to know if that's true, if the same thing will happen with shadow meld.