

Jstewart #Pirate Talk

General Pirate

What to do with money :) First of all, happy Thanksgiving All :D Now, I have made some money recently, around 85m And I am planning on buying anywhere from 35-50k nx. I was wondering what I could get for my 43 Thunder Breaker and 55 Aran. Higher Priority is Thunder Breaker. I am definitely going to Karma my zhelm from my Aran to my TB. What else should I get? I have 1st unwelcome guest Knuckle. 100%'d overall. 8 attack work glove 7 dex raggedy cape 7 dex golden earring 4 zombie rings That's about it. So what should I upgrade with around 80m(Im probably buying some Knuckle scrolls) and at the minimum 35kNX and at maximum 50kNX