

JuiceBoxes #Dualblade Talk

General Dualblade

Ressurected Dual Blade Alright, so I'm back from (maybe) a 1 year break, and I have no idea what in bloody Norma is going on. I'm seeing all these new events and things and my brain is just in pieces right now. Anyway, I've got 36k (broke and can't merch - probably why I quit in the first place), nothing to sell, no guild, no friends (anymore), and not much to do. What to do? (p.s if any of you are so kind enough to donate anything useful at all to me, it would be greatly appreciated :)

General Dualblade

The Dual Blade Achievement Thread H'lo fellow dual bladers, I have come to notice that my older DB Achievement thread got removed, as to the lessening of the activity on it. The thread was formerly owned by A.K.A Me, but I forgot the password. WHATEVER. [header] Okayy, back on topic, so guys, what have you done today? Or whatever you'd like to say about Dual Blades.[/header] Personally for me, I haven't really gotten much (Too busy with the Beauty Coupons o.o) I gained a level like, earlier this month, to say the MOST. I made this character a while back, just to get to level 70 to try it out, and to use the jumpstart coupon which I used to get an Evan that I ended up deleting. Played this DB since around 2008, so I've had lots of time to fu