KaySarkSwisz #General Talk


Respect to Maplestory Why is it that everyone hates Nexon? They are awesome and they ban thousands of hackers every month. And mapler's say ohh Maplestory is going to crap. But you still play it. Idiot. And then ya'll say Nexon is greedy because they are all about the money. They are a freaking company that's the reason it's there! And what do you think the game runs of. Orange Juice? NO! It runs on money. And guess what I love the new maple. The old maple sucked. If you complain about the new maple being too "easy" then go grind on green snails if you want a challenge.


I hate the Gazed Alliance This has gone way too far, this alliance is getting worst and worst. I want my server to not be in this mess. There's ALWAYS someone in Jester's, too many people now. I can't train anymore, usually there's atleast 1 channel with no one in Jester's during 2x exp. But ever since this stupid Alliance there's nothing but greedy, immature channel hogger's. I enter and just find people saying CC PLEASE. So I do. But when I finally find a channel and i'm by myself I share, with any player. And when people enter I don't mind them, when there's 5+ people, there's no other choice, I ask them to Change channel's, but they say no. Like wth. I try to be nice and when I ask them again, they get someone to KS me. I've just had it


Hear me out for a second Everyones asking for a pirate legend like Cannoneers isnt a pirate. If its anything it should be a mage, its the only class they havent made as a legend For Example: Demon Slayer- Warrior, Mercedes- Bowmen, Cannoneers - Pirate, Phantom Theif - Theif, Mage - ?. SEE nothing so instead of a loser pirate named Lenny lets make a mage maybe something like ohh idk the black mage when he was younger or sumthin you knw explaining his story since no one lets him. Its just a thought but i think its a great idea. What do you guys think? Is it a good idea?

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