

KazePickle #Site Talk

General Site

LMAO are you serious? (screen section) A couple weeks ago I submitted a painting I did of my [url=http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/077/3/e/sleepydagger_by_greasypirate-d3azuuz.jpg]shadower[/url], but it was rejected because it was a little too inappropriate. I edited it with a longer skirt (already pictured), and resubmitted, but it was again rejected. Finally, I edited any possible overly exposed skin or body part, and made [url=http://i435.photobucket.com/albums/qq80/KazePickle/IMG_6876Smaller-Copy.jpg?t=1300658588]this.[/url] And it's still rejected. So like... unfair much?