

Kevvl #Chat Talk

General Chat

Official: Osama-Bin-Laden-Is-Dead-Thread Alright so, multiple news sources are reporting that Osama bin Laden has been killed/is dead. Of the 90 something news sources (and 900,000 twitters) touting this, I'm thinking the New York Times is a pretty credible source, eh? "Osama bin Laden has been killed, a United States official said Sunday night. President Obama is expected to make an announcement on Sunday night, almost 10 years after the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon." [url=]Obama Speech[/url] Al Qaida has officially responded to the events, and is now mad. It is unconfirmed if they are also jelly. More info coming as more info comes. Let's keep this one

General Chat

I need a non-drug related song about mushrooms. [b]not "Badgers" by TheWeebl[/b] For reasons I don't really care to explain (not school related or anything silly like that) I need a song that's about, or mentions, mushrooms in some way shape or form that isn't explicitly drug related. Ideally something that wouldn't be considered highly unpleasant for certain folks to listen to i.e: death metal/hip hop. As easy as you might think that is to find, it's really not. Google turns up [i]bands[/i] with mushroom in the title or stuff about drugs, which is not my aim.

General Chat

More reason to hate the DMV [*]Did you know that DMV appointments can randomly disappear? You make an appointment 45 days in advance, then check the appointment the day before the exam and it may or may not actually be there. After calling the DMV to see what the error was, I got a jumble of information from an intern that didn't actually make much sense. All I could make out was something about "Vacation" and "Only one instructor today." More importantly though [*]Did you know that, 135 days after making your first appointment, when you finally get in for taking your driver test, that [b]the instructor can actually fail you for an infraction that doesn't exist? [/b] That's right folks, you can basically be failed on a w