

KillerKeno #General Talk


Who should i use now? Hi all, i want to get you guys opinion on what character i should use/buff up next my characters are: Wind archer lvl 145 Shadower lvl 142 Bishop lvl 150 Battle mage lvl 157 Mercedes lvl 101 Phantom lvl 128 Night Lord lvl 145 Blade Master lvl 101 Luminous lvl 124 Kaiser lvl 132 Corsair lvl 106 Dark Knight lvl 140 Hayato lvl 108 Evan lvl 141 Angelic buster lvl 151 Xenon lvl 112 Marksman lvl 103 Zero lvl 103 Kanna lvl 124 Wild Hunter lvl 128 Demon Avenger lvl 75. As you can see, i cant stick with one class lol :D, I'm also a very old player (Started playing before pirates were even thought of. OLD xD). Please let me know which class you think i should use next and thank you for reading that long list of ppl <3