

KingKokoro #Art Talk

General Art

Ill draw you no NX needed Hi guys, [b]For those of you misunderstanding the title, I meant you don't have to have NX Clothing to be drawn. Some people draw people only because they have cool NX clothing. I will TRY to draw as many people as I can! I would be thankful if a mod would change the title to "I will draw you, no NX clothing needed!"[/b] I'll draw you guys [url=]Adventure Time Style[/url] or [url=]the way I usually draw people.[/url] So far, I have done: [url=]DinkDonkey[/url] [url=]xPBnJessie[

General Art

How can I draw better Hi, You might know me from the Art section or something...and the truth is none of you know that I'm actually 11 years old.(Please, please, no hate. :~( ) Anyway, I need some help. I see people around my age that can do really amazing things. I saw a person who was around 8 years old painting a very nice picture of a field of grass with the sunsetting in the background. Now I look at myself and I'm not all that good at drawing, painting, colouring, etc. I'm absolutely TERRIBLE at colouring (and shading?), since I almost never colour in anything. I'd supply an example of what I'd draw traditionaly but I have no scanner :( So, basically, what is a good way to improve drawing, colouring and shading skills? I've never had

General Art

Art Help, Please Hello! I am 12 years old and I've been pretty down in the dumps lately. I'm constantly comparing myself to artists who are years older than me, I'm not really satisfied with my drawings and my mum is always insulting them. She says degrading things and she doesn't point out where I need to improve. She just says it's bad or ugly or it looks like a monkey. My aim is to get really good at Art and Writing in a short amount of time and at a young age (I'm currently planning out a comic/story). I am completely self taught (mostly through observation), but I feel that my improvement rate won't get any better without any proper teaching or advice. I'd also like to know if I'm on the right track...I really don't want to find out ye

General Art

I will draw one person (or two) on MS Paint. Hi, I will draw a person or maybe more, but only the person(s) I wish to draw. I will draw the person(s) on MS Paint because I don't have any other programs and I seem to work better on it. Characters will be drawn Maple Style (chibi). Here's an example: [url=]My character.[/url] Sorry, only going to draw the head. I might draw the body if you're lucky. :) Also, please give me tips if possible? I'm interested in drawing now so I've started to draw a lot, so advice would be appreciated very much!