

KingKong06 #General Talk


The world of merching and % gear. Hello fellow basilers, I am back from my long week of not being able to post on Basil. <not saying why> But, I am asking your opinions on merching at the moment, and % gear and ATT gear, I currently have 500m, from blowing up my specs that's how much I have left -_-' But, I was going to buy 13 ATT SCG for 300m, and then merch around with 200m, which is easy to make more, so what do you think, spend the 500 on % gear? or buy SCG's? SCG look awesome IMO.


What's the most expensive thing you've blown up? I know there is a sheet load of these kind of posts, but there is a SC as you are all aware, and I am extremely bored, and I blew up 550m pair of Specs before the SC, and my fingers are crossed that there is a miraculous roll back due to the Ravana mirror. So yeah, 550m of specs, blown by a 90% Pot scroll, devastated, but I have another pair of specs, and 2 Bloody Rose chairs, 150m and a Yellow Robot chair and 2 characters to bonus at CWKPQ, so I should be able to get that back with haste. What is yours? When you say your item, say how much the scrolls, and the item cost to buy, I like to know prices, not value of the item to yourself. mesarz 1s lyf

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