

Kingzer #Chat Talk

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about universities in canada so i'm currently in my senior year in high school (canada) and i feel like I'm not doing as good as i can in 4 courses (bio, chem, adv func and calculus). I was wondering if there would be any chance for me to get into universities like UBC, UWaterloo, UofT, Queens, McMaster for their good programs if i repeat these 4 courses as a fifth year student to achieve at least 90%-95%+? Does it matter if i take repeated courses to get a much better mark? Does it matter how "many" repeated courses i take for 5th year? Thank you!

General Chat

is this girl interested in me? the facts: webcam til 4/6amish starting at around night a couple times text everyday throughout the entire day usually the first to text me usually the first to talk to me on social networking sites about 3 months we've been like this many common interests hangs out with me a lot during school went out just to hangout about 4-5 times (mall, coffee, food, etc) however one day she just didn't text me at all (no reason really, kinda ignored me ish) but then she randomly texted me a bunch and web-cammed late around night lol were both 18 people always see us together walking/being together i've met her close friends maybe like once or twice...but i don't talk to them much RECENTLY, we went to movies and i was too

General Chat

can anyone give me ideas for my english seminar this is 12U english and i have to present about the study of influence and i have to do government's influence on stuff like mass media, ads , and tyhe such. The point of this seminar is to decide what constitutes literature and im trying to use the study of influence to try to show this. the study of influence being manipulation in or by the media and/or a reflection of societal norms in lit which reinforces societal expectations I was wondering if you guys could give me any ideas on what i should teach the class/present tot he class about the government influences and the such. are there sub categories for government influencing media and stuff i could look @? how can i relate this whole top

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