
LEGENDairy #Site Talk

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How to create a guide - Tofu Tags style [header=notice]New guide link: [url=http://www.basilmarket.com/show/guide/393]Click here[/url][/header] [b]Use the new guide. Its much better and more comprehensive.[/b] [header=intro]Introduction[/header] This is just a simple guide to enable people making guides to upgrade them into a fully-fledged guide with all the little Tofu Tags and stickied in the guide section. Not just that, It'll also tell you about the different commands of Tofu Tags in both threads and posts. So now you'll wonder why upgrade your thread version guide into a full version guide. The answer is simple. Firstly, threads no matter what they are nearly always get locked after 30 days unless you can continually get replies every

General Site

How to create your own guide on Basil [header2]Introduction[/header2] This is just a simple (well as simple as I can get) guide about creating guides as well as some notes on threads. More specifically, this guide will have some focus on Tofu Tags in both threads and guides. [b]NOTE:[/b] This thread is basically what you would call a Release Candidate for the guide, as several parts have had to be changed from the final guide. Now since 2010, Mr.Basil created a new format for guides. The previous way was through utilising threads. Unfortunately, when making a guide on a thread, it wasn't exactly organised. Also there were (and still aren't) many features available to threads. Using this new method, all guides previously using the forums con

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