

LamPhong79 #General Talk


PC on a load of stuff Khaini. I'd like to have a price check in Khaini for these following items I'm trying to sell, 60% Pet Att Advanced Enhancement Scroll 30% Shield Att Onyx apples ---------------------- GM scrolls 100% Wand M Att Staff M Att Pole arm Att 2H Sword Att ---------------------- Evo Ring I Lvl 15 Evo Ring II Lvl 17 Clean Dep Star Epic 3 line Rose Earrings 3% All Stats, 3% MP, 3% MP Epic 3 line blue neos (male) 6% Str. Epic 3 line green neos pants (male) 6% Str. Clean Purple Surfboard 95 Att, 7 luk Fan Thanks in advance