

LeechLess #Thief Talk

General Thief

The Thief %/hr thread [header]Welcome to the Thief %/hour thread.[/header] [header] With 's permission I will be updating this instead of him [/header] [header]Also sorry about the repost on his account [/header] [header]Usefull Links [/header] [url=http://www.basilmarket.com/forum/1613106/0/Dual_Blade_Hour_Thread.html]Dual Blader % Hour[/url] [url=http://www.basilmarket.com/forum/940572/0/Thief_Discussion_Thread.html#]Thief Disscussion[/url] [Url=http://www.basilmarket.com/MapleStory-Guide-Thief-Damage-Ranges-282.html]Theif Damage Ranges [/URL] [header] If I missed you or there is a typo or something post that or PM me. Thank you. [/header] [header] Last update; Change'd Formate and added Monster links [/header] [b]Please post your %/hour

General Thief

Thief Key Settings [header][url=http://www.basilmarket.com/user/LeechLess]PM ME, IT'S EASIER[/url][/header] This will be a compilation of Basil's thieves key settings :D I'll try to update this daily, so don't pester me if yours doesn't come up immediately [b]Why ?[/b] Well with Assassins,Bandits, and the release of Dual Bladers, any newb is gonna need help with what skill should be on what key... etc. Also this'll be a fun way to check each other's key settings [header]Guidelines/Rules[/header] 1.[b]PLEASE[/b] specify what your macros are, I probably wont accept your screen if it isn't. 2.Tell us if you're using a laptop, or a special kind of keyboard, otherwise I'll assume 3.I would appreciate if you'd tell us where your finger's rest (Ex