Legendary777 #General Talk


GM Scrolls Drop List - Golden Temple There was a thread before like this, but the TS didn't update the drops after a few pages, so I decided to remake it. Which scroll did you get, and where did you get it from? [header] Drops [/header] Wild Monkey (lv 15): Scroll for Mama Monkey (lv 21): Scroll for White Baby Monkey (lv 27): Scroll for White Mama Monkey (lv 34): Scroll for Blue Goblin (lv 43): Scroll for Red Goblin (lv 54): Scroll for Strong Stone Goblin (lv 66): Scroll for Reverse side: Strong Stone Goblin (lv 70): Scroll for Red Goblin (lv 78): Scroll for Blue Goblin (lv 86): Scroll for White Mama Monkey (lv 96): Scroll for staff and 1h sword. White Baby Monkey (lv 104): Scroll for Mama Monkey (lv 112): Scroll for Wild Monkey (lv 120): S


A precise method to measure how long you have been on. This is for the Perfect Attendance Event. Let's face it, the "You have played for X hours" is not an accurate measure of how long you have played. If I played for 5 minutes on one character, quickly moved onto the next, I would have only played for 55 minutes when the notice, "You have played for one hour" popped up. The timer, to my knowledge, does not reset if one switches accounts too quickly. And here's a sure-fire method: The traits - Willpower, to be specific. For every hour you play on a character, you gain a certain amount of Willpower. Simply check your Willpower through the Professions tab before you start waiting, and check again in about an hour. If you h


I just realized why LHC wasn't crowded. Well, if you have seen KMS videos on LHC, you can see that they aren't complete KS wars. This shouldn't be the case, unless KMS players are not very competitive, which I extremely doubt. At first, I thought, "Wow, when this comes to GMS, there will be at LEAST 20 people per channel trying to kill monsters. Even if there are plenty of maps, it's going to be really crowded." However, I looked at the GM Blog, and read, [b]"The Von Leon expedition is for players level 120 and above in groups of six to 20 members."[/b] So... it's like Neo City, but with a snowy castle. A "super mini-dungeon", but without the time limit, I guess.

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