

Liquos #Icelightningarchmage Talk

General Icelightningarchmage

Am I the only one that finds MP3 slow? No offense to all you MP3 lovers out there. Maybe I'm doing it wrong? It might just be the repetitiveness of it, but I feel that I get exp faster from CPQ2 or Nett's. I guess I'll test it tomorrow, to see where I train faster, but it feels like forever goes by and I only gain 5%. Does anyone have any other alternatives? I've already said NPQ and CPQ2, but are there any other good alternatives (Preferably something that isn't pure grinding, like a repeatable quest or alternative PQ)? I've heard that Balrog Expedition gives a great amount of exp in a short time frame, but I never see anyone at the area for it, which leads me to believe it must have something terribly wrong with it. I really want to level