LittlePanda #Bishop Talk

General Bishop

Missing 6 Sp Here's my situation. My cleric (currently level 65) was my first character, and I recently started playing him again after a few years' break. When I originally made him, I waited until level 10 to do the job advancement, and as a result I lost 6 SP. When I logged on after my absence, pretty much all of his SP had to be reassigned. I stupidly didn't count the SP and assumed that they'd also restored the 6 SP I'd lost by doing the job advancement late- which they did not. So here's what my skills are now: Standard 1st job build (probably my biggest mistake >_> if I had realized I was still missing SP I wouldn't have maxed magic armor) 10 MP Eater 20 Heal 20 Teleport 5 Invincible 15 Bless 0 Holy Arrow 20 Spell Mastery 10 Hi