LittlePanda #General Talk


Server with Ideal Population Size? Some time in the near future (probably after the pirate revamp), I'm going to move out of Windia, create a Corsair (or Cannoneer if they've returned) in a new world, and play it straight to 120. I was originally thinking of restarting in Mardia, but after reading some of the GAZED threads, I've noticed a recurring comment: that the loss of available maps after the alliance translates to a slower 1-110 but a faster 110+ at LHC. Since CMYK is pretty much the same size as GAZED and my focus is going to be 1-110 and not 110+, I found this news a bit concerning. I'm now considering looking at a smaller world. Here's what I'm looking for in a world: I definitely need it to be full enough to PQ. I would like for


Renegade Shop Equips I recently returned to Maple and am very unfamiliar with the equips that are currently in existence. On my 117 I/L I have no belt, eye accessory, face accessory, or pendant. Which Renegade items should I prioritize getting, and which ones have easily obtainable (and preferably free) equivalents? For example, even though I'm still in need of a good hat, I'm holding off on the frog one because I'm going to try to get a free Z-Helm soon. EDIT: Forgot one thing- if there are better alternative equips, please let me know what they are.


Playing with no funds Two summers ago, I came back to Maple after a few years away. A lot (almost everything) had changed since I'd last played, so in order to regain my bearings, I decided to make a fresh start in a new world. I chose to play a new cleric (the first class I'd ever played on Maple), figuring the job would allow even an unfunded player to progress self-sufficiently. I had a blast living the no-meso life! I wasn't concerned about my damage at all, so I was more than happy to make due with the (few) free equips I could get from events. To my surprise, I was even able to hit 4th job (for comparison, before that summer [and way before Big Bang] my highest leveled character was a 113 I/L), and I managed to use my Renegades Coins


Are These Items Outdated? I'm doing an inventory clean-out. My characters have several items from a few years ago, and I've forgotten what a lot of them do. My suspicion is that many of them are useless now anyway. For the following items, could you tell me which ones I can safely toss? And for the ones that have a purpose, can you remind me what they're for? [b][i]ETC.[/i][/b] [b]Ripped Travel Ticket 1 and 2[/b] [b]Storybooks[/b] These aren't needed anymore, right? I've got Frozen Book of Ice and Burning Book of Fire [b]Cracked Piece of Dimension[/b] These are common, right? [b]Magic Seed[/b] [b]Book on Herbal Medicine[/b] [b]Balrog Claw[/b] [b]Phantom Seed[/b] [b]Ludibirum Medal[/b] [b]Black Soul of Dark Rash[/b] [b]Heroic Star and Pentag


Renegade Shop Equips I recently returned to Maple and am very unfamiliar with the equips that are currently in existence. On my 117 I/L I have no belt, eye accessory, face accessory, or pendant. Which Renegade items should I prioritize getting, and which ones have easily obtainable (and preferably free) equivalents? For example, even though I'm still in need of a good hat, I'm holding off on the frog one because I'm going to try to get a free Z-Helm soon. EDIT: Forgot one thing- if there are better alternative equips, please let me know what they are.


Bishop or Phantom I'm going to start playing KMS soon (I live in Korea), and I'm torn between making a Bishop or a Phantom. Here's what I'm taking into consideration: -I plan to play with a party as much as possible (people party Phantoms, right?) -Since I'll be in a new world I'll have no money, so I'm looking for a character that won't be too expensive (mostly in terms of pot burn and mastery books). -But on a related note, I don't care about damage, so it doesn't matter to me if a certain class needs lots of funding to be strong. -I've played two Bishops before (though quite some time ago), so it might be nice to try something new... Thoughts and advice appreciated! :)