
Price check on this ring please
Someone suggested 150m.

December 13, 2012

5 Comments • Newest first


id say 500 or so

Reply December 13, 2012

i'd say it's worth a lot more since it got +5 atk from one scroll which is the max from a normal chaos

Reply December 13, 2012

I suspect that symbol is supposed to be something obscene if you flip it around. On topic, I think 150m is a reasonable starting point for a rare potential ring with 6 attack. (LVL 10 EVO 3 are at like 280m-300mish right now?) You gotta remember that this event runs through February. I would say like a few days ago you might have gotten it sold for 200-250 but prices are starting to go down.

Think about it this way. Right now people are selling rings for around 30m. That means together with the chaos scroll you spent around 60m. Given that the incredible chaos scrolls of goodness (adds from between 1-10 stat) is a 40% scroll, the cost making a ring is 60/0.4 or approximately 150m. Because the prices of the coins are falling 150m is about right. Anything more than that would be profit.

EDIT: Obviously sell for as much as you can. I wouldn't take anything below 150 though.

Reply December 13, 2012 - edited

[quote=iBeA]i suggest

Whats that

Reply December 13, 2012 - edited

Sounds like it'd be more than just 150... but then again, I'm thinking Broa. Not *exactly* sure if this would be considered "underpriced", but I personally say it is.
Edit: Almost forgot, there are a lot of rings out there lately, so there's the possibility it devalues more.

Reply December 13, 2012 - edited