

LordofSky #Site Talk

General Site

Why does "Mr. basil" continue to keep this website alive? I've been wondering this for 2 years now, so please hear me out on this. - Basilmarket, although boasting a large fraction of the maplestory community, consists mainly of forum trolls and underaged kids who do not know how to keep their behavior in check. If you ask anyone mature enough, you'd hear that basilmarket has one of the worst forum communities on the internet. - The data archives reguarding items and skills are obsolete, other websites such as Southperry and maplearchive have far more information reguarding items, skills, and everything you need to know about maplestory. Basilmarket, despite its population and user-base size does not keep recorded data updated, le

General Site

Is this website dying yet? I've noticed after checking back on my auctions (which trolls seem to infiltrate and give me negative rep for), that almost all of the mods have gone up and quit. (I don't blame them) With the auction system being tested in KMS, this website has next to no purpose other than a breeding-ground for spammy trolls. That begs the question, is Mr.Basil planning to trash this website soon in the near future? Are there any filtering standards anymore, or is this fansite finally rotting away from the overwhelming population of trolls?