

LostMyJob #Fun Talk

General Fun

Quick Make your move game Lets play a game where the person above you gives you a scenario, and 3 options, then you pick one option and give the person below you a scenario and the person below you will make an ending for the option you picked, but then has to pick an option for the scenario. [b]For this to work, you need to the person above you. That is all you need to do.[/b] EXAMPLE: An anvil falls out of the sky, Make your move! Option A: Put your hands over your head! Option B: Pray to the lord Option C: Kill yourself before it kills you I pick, Option C: Kill myself before it kills me Two guys are about to slam your face into a wall, Make your move! Option A: Option B Option C: You put the gun to your head, as you pull the trigger, Yo

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