MJRmutation #Quests Talk

General Quests

Balance is needed! So I was going thru my medal collection, and I saw that i neded to get the soul conjurer medal. Now that monster book is gone, i wouldnt need to get a zombie mushmom card, which was my biggest problem, and the rest would be pretty easy looking at the names of the mobs i needed to kill 444 of each. So i got ZMM over with, then the officer skeleton and commander skeletons, then next on the list is coolie zombies. I, thinking "HA! coolies! OHKO!", heads to el nath. I get to yeties and see that they do 700 dmg with meso guard on, so i check the map and see what level they are, then i see what level coolie zombies are, lvl 132. Now this medal quest is a lvl 67 quest. It seems to me that Nexon, like usual, didn't thin