

Christmas Tree Event Hackers

God i hate those auto hackers... =[ i keep going into channels and not getting any snow, urg why cant nexon just patch this already if they people are easily hacking in and getting the stuff they want, it should probably be the easiest thing to trace and destroy then patch, urg idk, going on a mad rage here =[

i want to play fairly so i can get snow, in order to buy the maple staff how hard is that to ask for...urgggg
share your experiences here as well =[

January 1, 2011

1 Comment • Newest first


I would just as soon they had simply CLOSED the map to EVERYONE if they couldn't have figured out a way to stop the hackers.

The way it is now, it's nothing more than a "Christmas Gift" for all the cheaters.

Reply January 1, 2011 - edited