

MageTerra #Chat Talk

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Dreams affecting how you act? So I occasionally have dreams which make me do weird things the day after I have them. Like in the past I had a dream about this guy, and then the next day I saw him I found him way more attractive than usual. Then sometimes I get weird nightmares which make me feel paranoid the next day. One last example is when I had a dream about shopping, then went on a huge shopping spree. Please share similar experiences so I don't feel mentally challenged.

General Chat

How do you deal with irritating people? So there's this girl who's a friend of a lot of my friends, and she's a huge pain in the backside. If you're talking to someone she'll scream the name of the person you're talking to and just interrupt your conversation. If she has a lesson that one of my friends is in she demands that they go with her when SHE is ready to leave. She's really rude, and is an attention seeker. She makes about 4 or 5 statuses on facebook about the same thing and just posts tons and tons of pictures of herself posing and then moans about how she 'looks bad'. Ugh. She also got a tattoo on her wrist recently because she says it 'looks cool', but then complained for the whole week about how it hurt. More than anything I nee

General Chat

A good way to prank someone? So there's a guy at school, a friend of a friend, and it's easy to say that he's a bit of a bully. He acts all 'tough' and 'cool', and shows off like crazy just because he can drive. He's been bullying a couple of my friends because they're a bit quieter than him, and now they feel like they've had enough. We were thinking to prank him by each chewing a piece of gum and putting it under his car door handle, so he sticks his hand in it without noticing...but that seems possibly a little too much. We don't want to seem like bullies ourselves, we just want to have a bit of a joke about it all. We're sure he won't take it that badly, since a few of his friends are in on it. What do you think is a good way to prank t

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Nintendo ds lite, outdated or not? For many years now (about 4 I think?) I've owned a normal nintendo ds. Not a ds lite, not a dsi, just a normal ds. I bought it a while before the ds lite model came out, and I was furious when it did. I couldn't buy any accessories or anything for my normal ds, and eventually it was as if nintendo just completely forgot about ever designing them in the first place. Obviously now, my ds is aging a little and the battery life is decreasing. It's my birthday at the end of the month, and my relatives have all told me that because it's my 18th birthday I'll be getting money. My question to you guys is, what version of the ds should I get? I've been looking at ds lite models because I don't really want to spend

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I'm getting e-abused. What do? So I had a major argument with my boyfriend this evening, and during it he mentioned how one of his female friends had said something really hurtful about the two of us. So as it happens, I text her to say that I'm a bit upset by what she has to say. Cue a lot of hateful abuse from her, and now her and one of her other friends are posting tons of hateful stuff about me on their facebook pages. Greaaaat. What do you do when all of your boyfriends' female friends start to hate you? Also to add, my boyfriend says it's my own fault and is NOT sympathetic. I'm sorry, but if someone has a problem with me as a person then I like to get it out in the open. Argh. :@

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