MagicMonkey #Chat Talk

General Chat

Mumble Chat for Voice Chat Hey everyone. Try this out. If you enjoy it then you can probably use it for when your playing Maple. But for now this is on a Server that I used to be on when I used to play Dota. Istructions: 1. net/projects/mumble/files%2FMumble%2F1.2.2%2FMumble-1.2.2.exe/download 2. Installation is easy - Just follow the steps on screen. 3. When you open Mumble it will take you to the 'Server Connect' window automatically. Add a new server with details as follows: - Label - whatever you want to call the server - Address - - Port - 64738 - Username & Password - whatever you want, for you it will have no effect 4. Click the arrow next to Public, then Free Public Section, then Random.

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