MangosOnTheWeb #Fashion Talk

General Fashion

Is my name against the rules? I play in Arcania, with the IGN NXNorthKorea. So I was finding a party for Kerning PQ, and a GM came in and said "Impersonating a GM is illegal". I whispered to NetheARCa asking if my name was illegal. Then I realized there was someone named TiaraARCANlA on the same map, and the mod might not be talking to me (it was highlighted in grey), so I had nothing to worry about. However, 10 minutes later the GM whispered back saying yes. So is my name against the rules or not? I know impersonating a GM is wrong (like that other person), but usually you can't use GM names (like the name of a world, or Maple, or Nexon, or Wizet). I think it has something to do with the NX in the front of my name, but really, th