

MangyPanda #Anime Talk

General Anime

Anime Recommendations Safe for a plane? Okay, here's the thing, basil--I'm going to be going to China and back, which is quite the plane ride, so to keep myself occupied I need some anime recommendations. But these aren't just any anime, they have to be anime that is watchable on a plane. Think about what that entails--on one end of the spectrum, there can be zero fanservice, but on the other, no blood or gore, and on a still other, it can't be ridiculously over-the-top mushy (think Honey & Clover, episode 1). So no Baka to Test, no Higurashi, no Honey and Clover. Just something that's relatively normal by American standards. Also, while offering shows, can anyone who's watched these shows tell me if they're safe for a plane? -Higashi n

General Anime

Anime Recommendations Safe for a plane? Okay, here's the thing, basil--I'm going to be going to China and back, which is quite the plane ride, so to keep myself occupied I need some anime recommendations. But these aren't just any anime, they have to be anime that is watchable on a plane. Think about what that entails--on one end of the spectrum, there can be zero fanservice, but on the other, no blood or gore, and on a still other, it can't be ridiculously over-the-top mushy (think Honey & Clover, episode 1). So no Baka to Test, no Higurashi, no Honey and Clover. Just something that's relatively normal by American standards. Also, while offering shows, can anyone who's watched these shows tell me if they're safe for a plane? -Higashi n